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Editing Adds Value

My editing services can help you produce text that is tight, clear, and highly readable to publishers and readers alike. My services can help shorten your production time and increase the quality of your end product through giving you the objective assessment that every document headed out for publication needs. I know how to help polish your text into the best version of itself for you and your readers; and if you choose to submit your work to a publisher, I also understand publishing standards and publishers’ expectations so I can help you and your work get noticed.

It's tough to keep an objective stance when you look over your own work; you've poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your manuscript, and that gives you a bias—sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst. I'm here to offer you that outside opinion and help you see the little things you might have missed as well as the genius you might be taking for granted!

Green Typewriter
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